Shiraz & Co.

All that glitters with gold may not necessarily be treasure

The 5 star winery and 100 point wines they strive to make, often adorned with gold and silver clearly attract attention and we recommend you try them.

However, although lots of stars, high scores on your report card and glitter help to differentiate some high achievers from others, this is not always a guarantee that you will be impressed. Tasting is much like judging, a very subjective exercise. Rating results can be influenced by many factors with mixed emotion and agenda brought to bear.

Our advice is to embrace the natural and dynamic nature of wine on your adventure. You be the judge. Let your own preferences guide you. Reflect on both the words of wisdom offered by modern world wine gods and the poetic words of the mystic Bacchus, the ancient Roman God of Wine and Revelry. He is said to have been the discoverer, cultivator, proliferator and protector of the ancient vine and his apt motto being “In vino veritas – in wine is truth”.